Flip Of The Day #38: Iceman and Aircast Cryo Cuff Cold Therapy Coolers

Another day, another FLIP, but the SAME LESSONS. I picked up this smaller cooler on the SECOND DAY of an estate sale for a couple of dollars. I had never seen a cooler with a hose coming out of it like this one, so I took FIVE SECONDS to look it up using keywords in the eBay app. Turns out, it's pretty valuable and sells well on eBay.
Then, on the SAME DAY (Sunday) at a yard sale, I spot the larger cooler with the same hoses coming out. It's priced at just $5 so I don't even bother looking it up before I buy it.
Remember, look for things that stand out because you haven't seen them before. Then, use Google Lens or keywords in the eBay app to identify the item and figure out what it sells for online. If there is enough profit, buy it and FLIP IT!
